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Welcome to the Sutcliffe Boat Museum!


This site has been created to share our collection of Sutcliffe boats with the rest of the world, to document any information gathered whilst researching the boats and to chart the progress of some of the projects underway.

If you are interested in these boats, then you may remember a site called CJBBoatyard; this was our site but alas it was lost when the hosting company migrated to another platform. Well, we still have all the knowledge and passion, so we are rebuilding this new site, with all the old content, plus lots more; we have lots of new boats since the old site was lost so we'll add lots of new material when we've 'caught up' with what we initially lost.


This site is dedicated to the products of Sutcliffe Pressings Limited;  toy boats, from 1920, right through to 1984, when the factory finally closed its doors. If you are doing some research on a boat that you own, one you have seen, or perhaps one that you are thinking of buying, you have come to the right place, particularly if it's one of the older rarer boats.


The collection focusses mainly on the early boats, from 1920 to 1950, but we do have some of the later boats which will gradually go on display.


We are keen to preserve as many of these wonderful old toys as possible, for generations to see and enjoy via this site. We also like to preserve the stories behind these boats too; see the section 'Boats with Stories'....


If you have any questions about our boats or yours, please do get in touch... we have lots of information and boats that have not yet made it to the site, so even if you can't find what you are looking for, we will almost certainly be able to help you.

We still have lots of work to do, to get all the old content back in, but we're on a roll now so keep checking back to see 'what's new' below...

Chris and John - March 2023


Tiny (8") 'Hot Air' speedboat, circa 1920/21

What's New?

1/1/2023 - The rebuild has started! The new site is 'up' and the first page has been added - Hot Air Boats - 1920 to 1929/30. Detail pages for the hot air boats to follow soon!

2/1/2023 - another pages added... 12" Battleship - 1920 to 1929. We've actually got lots of new material but we'll update this page when th rest of the site has been recovered!

4/1/2023 - 16" Hot Air Battleship section added.  We've also been having a 'sort out' of the collection... 

15/1/2023 - More good progress made... the pre war speedboat section is now complete and we're starting to enter the 'boats with stories' section (which is a favourite section!)

17/1/2023 - All the 'Stories' now in and we're gradually adding all the pre-war boats... Cabin Cruisers now back on the site. 

21/1/2023 - We're now working on the 9" boats section... Snappy page added and ZIP next...

22/1/2023 - All 9" boat sections now done!

22/1/2023 - yachts and Unda Wunda boat sections now complete.

31/1/2023 - With the completion of the Bluebird page, the site is now back... now to focus on new content!

8/2/2023 - The mobile site is fixed!!! The menu had gone awol, but it now been found!

8/2/2023 - New section added in 'Boats with Stories'... check out 'Peter's Minx' section.

14/2/2023 - New ZIP section added - new images and information!

7/3/23 - no recent updates but lots of 'behind the scenes' pictures being taken!


Motor and battery holder from the might 24" Electric Speedboat (page coming soon!)

23/3/2023 - Bluebird section added .... not before time!

23/3/2023 - 24" Electric Speedboat section added.

26/3/2023 - Clockwork Battleship section added - though we do plan to add a more comprehensive section soon!

© 2023 - Sutcliffe Boat Museum

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